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  7. People in your Canvas course: Roles and permissions
  8.  — Comparison chart: Canvas roles and permissions

Comparison chart: Canvas roles and permissions

This chart demonstrates what permissions are available to various roles in Canvas courses.

Role descriptions are provided in the parent page: People in your Canvas course: Roles and permissions.

Course roles
Course and account permissions Student TA Teacher support Teacher Course access coordinator Course Director Course designer Observer
Manage (add/edit/delete) events on the course calendar      
Add/remove other teachers, course designers or TAs to/from the course              
Add/remove students to/from the course         *      
Change course state        
Create/edit rubrics        
Create student collaborations    
Create web conferences    
Edit grades        
Manage (add/edit/delete) assignments and quizzes        
Manage (add/edit/delete) course files      
Manage (add/edit/delete) course sections                
Manage (add/edit/delete) groups      
Manage alerts          
Manage Faculty journal entries        
Manage learning outcomes        
Manage wikis      
Moderate discussions      
Moderate marks          
Post to discussions    
Read SIS data        
See a list of users  
Send messages to individuals    
Send messages to the entire class      
View all grades        
View all student submissions and make comments on them        
View analytics pages        
View/link to question banks        
View announcements  
View discussions  
View the group pages of all groups      
View usage reports for the course      

* Course access coordinators can only add students to manually created courses. For credit-bearing courses, students need to enrol through Student Services Online.

System roles
Permission Faculty admin Reviewer Monitor
Manage ‘observer’ role for users    
Read SIS data
View statistics
View the list of courses
View course change logs
View grade change logs
View notifications
Manage (add/edit/delete) events on the course calendar    
Add/remove other teachers, course designers or TAs to/from the course    
Change course state    
Create/edit rubrics    
Create student collaborations    
Create web conferences    
Edit grades    
Manage (add/edit/delete) all course content    
Manage faculty journal entries    
Manage learning outcomes    
Manage wikis    
Moderate discussions    
Moderate marks    
Post to discussions    
See a list of users
Send messages to individuals
Send messages to the entire class
View all grades  
View all student submissions and make comments on them    
View analytics pages
View/link to question banks    
View course content
View discussions
View the answer matrix in quiz submission logs    
View the group pages of all groups
View usage reports for the course

Page updated: 20/09/2023

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