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Academic integrity checklist

Follow this guide to help you incorporate principles of academic integrity into your courses. For more information on the University’s guidelines on academic integrity, please see University regulations, statutes and guidelines and promoting academic integrity.

Before the course starts:


Canvas course pages:

  • Include links to the University’s Academic Integrity page and Student Academic Conduct Statute in your Canvas course.
  • Remind students that they need to complete the Academic Integrity course, and why it is important. Link to it in Canvas for students to review the content.
  • Provide a clear message on where students can get academic support (e.g., Piazza, office hours, tutorials and support websites, such as Learning Essentials) and how often you will check and respond to student queries.


  • Decide on what stance your course is taking on the use of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in coursework, and include an academic honesty declaration in your assignments.
  • Consider the University’s guidelines for permitted use of software in assessment activities.
  • Make sure assignments are designed to minimise the opportunities for academic dishonesty, e.g., authentic tasks, randomised questions.
  • Provide rubrics or grading criteria for assignments.
  • Consider group assignments, with individual components. Ensure that you discuss with students the process and challenges of groupwork.
  • Use plagiarism detection software (e.g., Turnitin).


In class:

  • Introduce academic integrity in your first lecture, discuss the importance of it with your students throughout the course.
  • Discuss the different types of academic misconduct with students and provide examples, e.g., some students struggle to see the difference between legitimate collaboration and inappropriate collusion, especially in groupwork settings.
  • Explain the grounds for applying for extensions or aegrotat/compassionate considerations to your students.


After the course ends:

  • Ensure any issues related to academic integrity are discussed and commented on in the end-of-course review.

See also

Academic honesty declaration

A template for adding an academic integrity statement to your assignments.

Academic integrity procedures

Promoting academic integrity, avoiding poor academic practice, and reporting allegations of misconduct.

Generative AI tools in coursework

Information and instructions to students relating to the use of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools.

Page updated 10/04/2024 (minor edit)

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