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Academic integrity

These guides help you incorporate principles of academic integrity into your courses.

Guidelines for course design

Techniques for weaving academic integrity awareness into course and assessment design.

Academic honesty declaration

A template for adding an academic integrity statement to your assignments.

Academic integrity checklist

A quick run through of academic integrity considerations for your course.

See also

Generative AI tools in coursework

Information and instructions to students relating to the use of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools.

Promoting academic integrity

Resources for staff to promote principles of academic integrity.

Academic misconduct guidelines

Explore guidelines on identifying and addressing breaches of academic integrity within the University community.

Advice for students

Advice for students about the University’s expectations around academic conduct.

Academic integrity procedures

Promoting academic integrity, avoiding poor academic practice, and reporting allegations of misconduct.

Page updated 21/07/2023 (minor edit)

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