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Inspera exam process for teachers

Exams are scheduled according to the exam timetable.


6. from the template
provided by Assessment Services*
6b. Assessment Services deliver final exams

Marking and grading

* Please see the Staff Intranet for the submission deadline.  

Pre-exam checklist for Inspera online exam




  • Check for spelling mistakes, making sure that the answer selection is correct and correctly spelled.
  • Check all questions have appropriate marks allocated.
  • Make sure all necessary marking schemes are uploaded or included in the question set (if applicable).
  • Preview question and question set(s) to review formatting so that it meets accessibility requirements. If needed, refer to How to preview and format questions.
  • Ensure the correct naming convention ‘Course name – Term Code’ is used for the question set. E.g., ARTHIST 114/114G – 1213
  • Share with colleagues to complete internal review
    –  Course assessor
    – Head of Department or nominee
    – Faculty administration (if applicable)

Submit to Assessment Services

Next steps

  • Ensure that all students are suitably prepared by following the guidance on preparing students for Inspera exams.
  • Learn about what happens next after you have submitted your exam to Assessment Services on the workflow for Inspera exams. Note that start times for online exams will be set up by Assessment Services, including those with special conditions and overloaded students.


After the exam

Follow the guides for marking and importing grades from Inspera to Canvas.

At the end of the course, prepare the Canvas grades for submission to the Final Grades Tool. For more on this, see the page on Canvas Gradebook.


What does Assessment Services do behind the scenes?

Once you have filled in the exam submission form, Assessment Services will create your exam in Inspera.

Assessment Services:

  • Create a new test in Inspera.
  • Import your question set.
  • Add the allocated exam dates and times, the cover page, and settings as per your form.
  • This is also where they include all your grading requirements.
  • Add the Academic Integrity statement to the exam.


Once the exam has been created:

  • They check your exam includes all information and attachments noted and that the allocation of marks is included.
  • If the exam meets requirements, they will contact you to confirm the exam has been successfully created.
  • If the exam does not meet requirements, they will contact you to ask you to make changes to your exam.


After this:

  • Assessment Services will add any additional time allocated to students with special conditions.
  • The exam will be activated and made visible on students’ Inspera homepage. Note that while the exam will be visible, students will not be able to access the exam until the allocated day/time.

Where can I get help?

Self-help guides are published on the . For access to Inspera and any other queries, please see the contact details for the  on the Staff Intranet.

See also

Inspera online assessment platform

An overview of Inspera including links to self-help resources, setting up an Inspera test in Canvas, and pedagogical advice.

Inspera question randomisation

A guide to randomising questions and answers.

Page updated 06/03/2024 (minor edit)

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