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Canvas Gradebook

Access information about student progress in your course in Canvas’ Gradebook.

Tips for using Gradebook

  • Use Gradebook Settings to apply grading policies to your whole course. Set late policies, such as automatically apply deductions or grade (zero) for missing submissions. Use Grade Posting Policy to manage the visibility of grades for students.
  • View Gradebook menu by Assignment, Mastery, or use Individual View to see each student one by one.
  • Arrange by assignment name, due dates, points or module. Sort and display student names alphabetically by first name or last name first, and choose which secondary information to also show.
  • Filter columns by type, such as assignment groups, sections and student groups. The Search Students and Assignments fields allows multiple queries to be filtered at the same time.
  • Gradebook automatically calculates the total grade.
  • Export and import grades as a CSV file.
  • Use the Notes column to keep track of extra information about your students, such as assignment topics. The Notes column is not visible to students.
  • View the Turnitin Similarity Report score in the results column of the Gradebook.
  • Use ‘message students who’ to communicate with those who fit specific criteria, such as students who haven’t submitted yet, or are within a specified grade range.



How do I prevent students from seeing their quiz and assignment grades until I'm ready to release them?

From your Canvas course, go to Grades, locate the assessment. Click the three dots beside the name of the assessment.

Canvas' gradebook page

Click Grade Posting Policy and choose Manual, scroll to the bottom and click Save.

Canvas' Gradebook, grade posting policy options

Watch a of setting the Gradebook’s Grade Posting Policy to ‘manually’.

Can students still access their grades if Grades is hidden from the course navigation?

Even though they won’t be able to access grades via the Grades menu in navigation, they can still see their overall grade so far for each course by clicking the View Grades button on their Dashboard. Use the Manually Post Grades policy in Canvas to properly hide grades from students before they are finalised.

Can a teacher or marker submit an assignment on a student's behalf?

Yes, this is a feature of Canvas that the University has allowed. Use cases might include: submitting a late assignment on a student’s behalf after the deadline, or where a student has encountered technical difficulties in submitting their document.

View details on the Canvas instructor guide or watch this video.

Video – Submitting an assignment on behalf of a student.

Page updated 02/07/2024 (minor edit)

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