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FeedbackFruits supports these learning types (see definitions):

FeedbackFruits is integrated with Canvas. It provides a suite of tools designed to enhance student engagement, interaction and feedback, and improve collaboration, discussion and critical thinking. Tools encompass peer feedback, group assignments, interactive video and discussion forums.

Getting started

FeedbackFruits has been added to the University’s Canvas Production environment and a license has been procured until Jan 2028 for the Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation tools.

Check out how to add FeedbackFruits in Canvas.

Navigate to your course’s Assignments area and create a new Canvas Assignment; select External Tool followed by FeedbackFruits. Choose the relevant FeedbackFruits tool from the list.

As FeedbackFruits is fully integrated to Canvas, you do not need to manually create groups in the FeedbackFruits activity. The Canvas groups will automatically be synced with FeedbackFruits, allowing you to choose and select the groups that are participating in the activity.

Similar to groups, grades and deadlines are also directly synced to the Canvas grade book and calendar. Therefore, you do not need to manually create additional deadlines or have to manually enter grades.

Access to Teams channel

University of Auckland staff can request access to the FeedbackFruits Teams channel where support and drop-ins is provided by FeedbackFruits staff.


Help and support

Help center provides basics of FeedbackFruits and how to get started which directly accessible through the in-tool support chat.

FeedbackFruits setup manual.

‘Tool Setting Explanation’ offers options on available settings on functionalities such as manual allocations, setting up feedback criteria, anonymity settings, grade configuration, etc.

Frequently asked questions includes how to keep track of student activity, how do you see the allocations, how to re-use and/or copy activities, how to make adjustments to created assignments, etc.

Templates from the FeedbackFruits Learning Design Community.

Types of assignment tools

FeedbackFruits’ Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation replace what Aropä and TeamMates do and that is where most staff have existing assessments.


Peer Review Assignment

If there is submission involved, whether it’s asking students to submit a draft paper, a video recording or a PowerPoint presentation, Peer Review Assignment would be the tool to offer the submission option. Peer Review Assignments are an opportunity for students to receive and give feedback through the review of artefacts and events, including essays, posters, videos, presentations, performances and professional practices. Instructors create the review structure, providing evaluation criteria with options of ratings and text responses, choosing the number of self and peer reviews to be completed, and timings. Reviews can be based on individual or group submissions. Students can also be assessed on several components of the activity, including participation, scores awarded by reviewers and number of comments. The relative weightings of these components are chosen by the instructor.

How-to guides:

The FeedbackFruits’ YouTube channel provides playlist specifically for Peer Review covering a quick guide on setting up a Peer Review activity, use cases and student perspective as well as practices from other institutions.

Additional guiding videos can be found on specific tool configurations such as collaboration option, setting up rubrics and setting up anonymity.

Watch demo videos that highlight how the Peer Feedback tools work:


Group Member Evaluation

The Group Member Evaluation Assignment structures the process of students giving feedback about other group members. The tool focuses on assessing peer collaboration and the process of the work with no submission step. Students can reflect on the group experience and provide confidential feedback to staff, addressing the performance and contributions of individual members, including a self-evaluation. Instructors create the review structure and assign to particular group or all groups within a course in Canvas. Students can receive marks for participation, writing a set number of comments, writing a reflection and reviewing feedback. Group member evaluation assignments can also be used for peer review activities when no document submission step is required.

How-to guides:

  • View guides on how to use and set up a Group member evaluation. This step-by-step guide run through setting up your first Group Member Evaluation activity as well as how the activity will look like from the student perspective.
  • Further information on particular features such as Detect Outliers and Group Contribution Grading is also available to provide more insight on how these features work and how to enable them.
  • Beta features such as Automated Feedback Coach that is specifically available for Group Member Evaluation aims to provide students with real-time tips on their feedback to their peers. If you’re interested in testing and utilizing this feature, please reach out to FeedbackFruits support and they can enable it individually for teachers.

In the FeedbackFruits’ youtube channel, you will find a playlist specifically for Group Member Evaluation covering a quick guide on setting up a Group Member Evaluation activity, use cases and student perspective as well as practices from other institutions.
Additional guiding videos can be found on specific tool configurations such as Detect outliers, setting up rubrics and setting up anonymity.Watch demo video that highlight how Group Member Evaluation tools work.

Page updated 03/07/2024 (removing descriptions for tools other than Peer Review and Group Member Evaluation)

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