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Te reo Māori

Using te reo Māori in your teaching practice.

Toi te kupu
Language is permanent
Toi te mana
Prestige is permanent
Toi te whenua
Land is permanent

Ko te reo rangatira e kōiri atu nei 1

The resonating sound of the prestigious Māori language

Te reo Māori, the indigenous language of Aotearoa, is a taonga and guaranteed protection under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. There are inseparable links between te reo Māori, culture, and identity. Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland, recognises it has a role in protecting and preserving te reo Māori, and has committed to doing so in partnership with iwi Māori.

One of the goals of the University of Auckland Language Plan for the Revitalisation of Te Reo Māori, 2020-2025 is to have 50% of staff with the ability and confidence to demonstrate a basic level of competency in te reo Māori by 2040.

Reo Māori resources

Resources aligned to the te reo Māori curriculum, other resources to support language learning, tikanga, and kaupapa. Māori.

Te Reo Māori on RNZ

Lists and audio files of concepts, greetings, kupu o te wiki, Kīwaha. phrases including idiom (video), videos on te reo revitalisation themes.

Small steps – He rautaki iti

Use correct pronunciation of Māori, including names.

Use common reo Māori classroom instructional language (e.g. e tū, e noho, whakarongo mai, titiro mai, etc.) – click here for a list of tohu – instructions.

Use te reo Māori in digital communications (email and Canvas) with students and colleagues – check out some useful greetings and sign offs.

Download the Māori language app for staff and students – Te Kūaha – The Doorway.

 – Te reo Māori learning for staff. Te Taumata Ngaio is the University’s reo Māori capability development programme for all permanent staff, and staff on a fixed-term contract of 12 months or longer. Some options include:


Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori. (2020). Te taonga nō tua whakarere, he taonga mō āpōpō – A treasure from ancient times, and for tomorrow.

Page added 19/12/2023

  1. Ministry of Education. Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori – Kura Auraki: Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1-13. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media Limited, 2009.
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