Te waharoa – the gateway
A place of coming together.
He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi remind us that “We celebrate and recognise our personal and collective relationship with Te Tiriti, whether or not we are born in Aotearoa and regardless of whakapapa.” 1

Taumata Teitei, our strategic plan, affirms the University’s commitment to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Our teaching is framed by Te Tiriti accountabilities and gives effect to Te Tiriti. He Whakaputanga, the declaration of independence, laid the foundation for the Te Tiriti partnership. This page includes links to Te Tiriti resources and a Q&A session presented by Te Tiriti and partnership experts, Te Kawehau Hoskins and Alison Jones.
Te Kawehau Hoskins and Alison Jones answer ‘sticky questions’ about anything relating to Te Tiriti and education.
View chapter timecodes by question
Time | Question |
05:16s | Does correct pronunciation of Māori words really matter that much? |
10:09s | The Treaty was signed about 180 years ago, and we are still talking about it? Why can’t we just move on? |
16:44s | When I hear about the things my ancestors did to Māori I feel bad. Is this course just to make me feel bad for what my ancestors have done? |
22:41s | If Māori tried harder and their parents were more engaged with the school, wouldn’t they do better? |
27:10s | We need to focus on the learning needs of ALL students. I am not Māori but I have found prejudice as a student. We are all one people, so why have a course focussed just on Māori? |
37:48s | Success as Māori- Isn’t socio-economic status more influential when it comes to student achievement than language and culture? |
40:37s | How do I confront a colleague who refuses to pronounce Māori words / names correctly? |
44:16s | Separatism – If we want all students to learn Māori language and culture, why do some schools have units that are primarily for Māori students? |
46:35s | Māori pedagogies – I have been told that Māori are kinaesthetic learners. Does that mean I have to plan more hands-on activities for Māori students to be successful? I have been told that Māori were traditionally rote learners. Is this still true? |
52:09s | How do we navigate the boundaries between being professional and having a relationship with Māori students – like allowing them to feel they can count on you, and at the same time, be able to comply with the Teachers’ Code of Conduct? |
National Library (He Tohu) resources for teaching He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Small steps – He rautaki iti
Te Akoranga Kairangi – this course provides a functional understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in its historic and modern contexts as well as te ao Māori principles from Taumata Teitei.
Colonial History Walk – an opportunity suited to all academic and professional staff keen to learn more about the role of central Auckland in the history of colonisation.
Page added 27/11/2023
- The University of Auckland. “Pūtoi Ako,” June 13, 2022, https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/on-campus/life-on-campus/latest-student-news/curriculum-framework-transformation-programme0/curriculum-framework-transformation-programme/p_toi-ako.html ↩