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TeachWell Digital: A year in review

31 January 2024

Photo credit: Kalle Kkortelainen on Unsplash

Kia ora koutou,

Having wrapped up another challenging year and started a new one, the Ranga Auaha Ako, Learning and Teaching Design Team revisit the collaborative efforts we’ve undertaken to support teaching excellence across the University. Here’s just a snapshot of some of those initiatives in the year that was:

TeachWell Digital: More than a toolkit

In less than a year since its launch, the TeachWell Digital website has evolved into a dynamic hub. From guides on integrating Canvas, to innovative teaching cases employing VR technology, TeachWell Digital now serves as a comprehensive resource (with growing recognition) for 27,000 engaged users including 18,000 from New Zealand. Work continues to ensure that we are curating the ‘best-of’ from global scholarship and educational practices, and that the platform continually evolves to meet emerging needs.

“… it is my honour to have my teaching pose as an exemplar on the TeachWell website. The website is amazing – your work is much appreciated!”

– Senior Lecturer

Discover further insights from our year of continuous learning and growth.

Our monthly newsletter, initiated in March last year, has grown to engage 1,928 recipients (January 2024). It brings the latest in teaching and learning practices, policies, technologies, and professional development opportunities, keeping you informed about events both within the University and beyond.

“[M]y commendation to you and the rest of the team who pull the newsletter together – it’s really great to see L&T resources and opportunities being promoted in a visually appealing and easy-to-digest format.”

– Anonymous


Designing impactful learning experiences


The Curriculum Framework Transformation (CFT) continued with a dedicated focus on ensuring that faculties are well placed to deliver on their priority projects as part the Signature Pedagogical Practices. At present work is underway with 20 discrete programme-level projects, and dedicated teams to support the specific needs of the CFT hallmark elements.

“Thank you for all your hard work and all your insights into course design. It has been a hugely rewarding and useful exercise. […] The courses are going to be fabulous and I know the students are going to enjoy the new learning experience.”

– Anonymous

Maori carving

Change One Thing

‘Change One Thing’ grants: Cultivating innovation


The ‘Change One Thing’ grant is a low-stakes chance for teachers to showcase their innovation in teaching and receive a grant for professional development. It was introduced last year, adding to the exiting suite of grants to foster the scholarship of teaching and learning and innovation in educational practice. 14 teachers were awarded a fund of $1,000 each in 2023.

Canvas baseline practices

Focused on accessibility and engagement


Our Learning Technologists have revamped nearly 120 out of 159 courses on Canvas, set to launch in Semester One 2024. This work not only ensures accessibility through Universal Design but also enhances student experience and engagement while building staff capability. Positive student feedback from recent course trials is a testament to our shared success.

Canvas Commons screenshot

A screenshot of course tiles from Canvas Commons. Eight tiles, one for each faculty.

Canvas Design Blocks

Design for aesthetics


Introduced in September 2023, Canvas Design Blocks levels the playing field, offering teachers the creative freedom to design their course without delving into HTML code. If you haven’t already tried it, check it out. You may be pleasantly surprised at what is achievable.

UDOIT tool for Canvas

Design for accessibility


Dovetailing the introduction of baseline practices, UDOIT enables teachers to design content that reaches all students. Now we can all play our part in making accessibility gaps in digital content a thing of the past.


A line drawing of two people with a speech bubble

TeachWell Consult Portal: Your personalised support space


Launched in July 2023, the portal offers up to three hours of consultation for teaching staff with our Learning Designers and Learning Technologists. Designed to provide colleagues with ‘just in time’ support, this personalised service has advised colleagues on enhancing pedagogical practices, from experiential learning through simulation to interactive multimedia assessments.

“I can’t thank you enough for all your support in enabling [an awesome class] to happen – not only on the IT side of things but in terms of giving me the confidence to step outside of my comfort zone and do this. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are an awesome teacher.”

– Lecturer


Generative Artificial Intelligence


2023 was a year in which ChatGPT was shown to be a formidable disruptive challenge to assessment security and academic integrity. Much of 2023 focused on professional learning activities to support assessment redesign and experimentation. As with other universities, we still have a way to go in ensuring integrity where authenticity of the student’s work is concerned, and as a community to think deeply about what generative AI means for its use across our personal lives, our professions and society at large, and for the educational experience going forward.

A student using Chat GPT

Looking ahead: Your feedback matters

Placing teachers at the core of our initiatives, we value your thoughts on the TeachWell Digital website. Your insights are crucial as we continuously strive to improve. Please take a moment to fill out a brief survey and let us know how TeachWell Digital has been helpful and what could enhance your experience.

As we approach the next academic year, we aim to grow with and support our Waipapa Taumata Rau community as it works through the next stages of the CFT, to redefine the future of education. Additionally, to support teaching excellence through an expanded suite of professional learning offerings. Thank you for being an integral part of this journey.

Ngā mihi,

Dr Gayle Morris

Director of Learning and Teaching

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