Learning and teaching at Education and Social Work
Find out what’s happening in the learning and teaching space at the Faculty of Education and Social Work.
For staff
EDSW Learning and Teaching Hub
The Learning and Teaching Hub (in Canvas) provides a calendar of events, lists tools and technologies and tips for teaching remotely.
Education and Social Work staff intranet
Find out what’s happening in the learning and teaching space on the staff intranet for Education and Social Work.
UoA Tutoring Central
This training resource helps Graduate Teaching Assistants get up to speed with what it means to be an effective tutor.
For students
EDSW Study and Research Skills Hub
This website is hosted in Canvas. It provides students with resources to effectively find scholarly sources, improve essay writing, reference their sources and more.
EDSW Subject Guides
The EDSW Subject Guides assist students and researchers in finding the right sources for the information they need from a list of curated key resources.
Learning Essentials
Learning Essentials is maintained by Libraries and Learning Services; it helps students develop their study and research skills. Students also have a link to Learning Essentials from their Canvas courses.
Case studies in teaching
Constructive Failure story: The epic success that couldn’t last
We uncover a teacher’s journey to forge deep connections through relational pedagogies—a path marked by both unparalleled success and an unexpected twist.
Redistributing assessment workload for student wellbeing and greater engagement
Ruth Lemon has started reorganising the teaching and assessment schedules of courses, to reduce student workloads and stress for better student wellbeing.
Developing students’ judgement of their own work by comparing it to that of others
Piata Allen's Te Reo Māori Pronunciation Online course includes a range of activities for self-assessment.
Interactive online learning with H5P
EDSW's Curriculum and Pedagogy programme used H5P to facilitate online interaction of students studying Mathematics and Statistics.
We have collated examples of teaching practice from around the University. We hope these might inspire you to try something new.
Page updated:31/01/2024 (added UoA Tutoring Central)