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Case studies in teaching

Here we share ideas that may be relevant to your practice.

Share your story on TeachWell Digital

If you would like to contribute your own teaching story at UoA, please contact Ranga Auaha Ako, Learning and Teaching Design Team:

We would love to hear from you!

Write for Times Higher Education (THE)

We invite staff to share their practice through Times Higher Education – THE Campus. Our writing coach, Gilbert Wong (from the Communications Office) will help you (re)develop your article, either from new or from an existing story. You will be sharing your ideas with an international audience, while raising both your own profile and that of the University. Find out more on the .

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Ko wai tātou? Who are we?

Ko wai tātou? Who are we?

Whanaungatanga is to encourage the development of close connection between people, to create a sense of belonging. Waipapa Taumata Rau's design team co-designed a first-year compulsory Arts general course.