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Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Celebration

Please take a break from your busy schedule and join us to celebrate our teaching and learning successes in the Faculty of Science | Te Whare Pūtaiao. This is an opportunity to reflect and discuss teaching practices and find out about initiatives that shape our curriculum. Lightning talks will provide an overview of the scholarly work and teaching improvements that are currently happening in our classrooms. We will also hear from students about their learning experiences, what motivates them, connects them to their teachers, the discipline and the faculty.

All UoA staff are welcome.

Hope to see you there!
The Organising Team – Marion Blumenstein, Tanya Evans, Jenn Jury, Andrew Luxton-Reilly.

Wednesday 23 October 2024
Now 9am – 1pm (was 12 – 4pm)
Science Centre Room 302-G20 and foyer for morning tea and lunch

For catering purposes we ask that attendees register by Friday 18 October 2024.

Please check the page for updates.

Overview of sessions
Time Session Facilitator
9 – 9:30am Morning tea  
9.30 – 9:45am Karakia and Welcome
Teaching and Learning in Science
9.45 – 10am SoTL/TD Award Winners – Announcement (2024 Round)
Teaching Excellence Award Winners Presentations (2023 Round)
Teaching Awards and Grants Chair: Professor Andrew Luxton-Reilly
10.00 – 10:30am A cross section of T&L practices across our departments and schools (3 min per presenter) Teaching Practice Lightning Talks Chair: Dr Tanya Evans
10.30 – 11:30am Presentation by the Science Student Experience Team on new initiatives in the faculty, student voice (15 min)
Student Panel on engagement and connectedness (30 min)
The Student Experience Chair: Dr Marion Blumenstein & Jenn Jury
11.30am – 12pm Networking lunch 11.30 to 12 noon (Foyer)  
12 – 12:50pm SoTL and TD Presentations (2023 recipients) Scholarship and Teaching Innovation Chair: Professor Andrew Luxton-Reilly
12:50 – 1pm Karakia & closing remarks