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  6.  — Effective ways to keep students motivated

Effective ways to keep students motivated

Dr Nigel Gearing offers us valuable insights towards enhancing teaching and course design that can help alleviate the phenomenon of student demotivation/disengagement. His suggestions encompass aspects of our Signature Pedagogical Practices (relational learning and assessment for learning)—pedagogies that are strongly encouraged at Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland.

He also outlines principles of Universal Design for Learning: providing alternative forms of engaging with assessment tasks; personalisation of the learning experience; and identifying students’ pain points within learning modules ahead of time.

Please take a moment to read his inspiring article, ‘Effective ways to keep online language students motivated’.

This article was written for Times Higher Education (THE). Please visit THE Campus to read more.

Image credit: iStock/[Pheelings], supplied

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Dr Nigel Gearing

Nigel is a Learning Designer at Ranga Auaha Ako, the Learning and Teaching Design Team
Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

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