Enhancing learning at scale with FeedbackFruits: A case study from BUSMGT 708
See how Feedback Fruits’ Peer Review tool in Canvas has helped foster continuous skills practise through peer-driven feedback.
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See how Feedback Fruits’ Peer Review tool in Canvas has helped foster continuous skills practise through peer-driven feedback.
In their tech-infused courses, Patrick Dodd, Inna Piven, and Dr Shahper Richter, are shaping a digital marketing curriculum that aims to prepare students for an AI-centric future.
Lesley Gardner and Udayangi Muthupoltotage discuss how timely, frequent and constructive feedback has a powerful influence on student achievement. However, its impact on higher education students is hotly debated and often highly variable.
Kicking off our ‘Constructive Failure’ series, we begin with a tale of a celebrated teacher whose momentary irritation triggered a significant blunder, followed by a lesson in humility and grace.
Dr Dulani Jayasuriya developed a chat-bot to aid instructors and students in navigating a large undergraduate course.
Using curriculum mapping to maintain coherence across an interdisciplinary core and create a consistent student experience.
Prepare students for their future working lives by developing new skills in emerging technologies through assessments.
Recording your feedback to students as video or audio can be time-efficient and more personalised, and students report paying more attention to it than written comments.
As a whiteboarding platform, Miro helps your team go beyond brainstorming, with a wide variety of tasks that require collaboration.
Utilising Microsoft (MS) Teams to allow for large class group project delivery; to collaborate, share files, chat and call.