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Library resources app

These sources support the following learning types (see definitions):


The Library resources app (LibGuides) has been integrated with Canvas. It allows you to embed Library subject guides into your course. You can embed full guides, parts of guides (i.e., tabs within a guide) or specific content (e.g., lists of key resources or databases). You can add this content to Canvas modules.

The Library subject guides are web pages developed by staff at Te Tumu Herenga, Libraries and Learning Services, to help students find information resources in their discipline. These include databases, books, archival material, maps, statistics, theses, newspapers, and more. Library subject guides also highlight some of our unique Māori, Pacific and New Zealand collections.

How-to guides

Explore the subject guides and decide what you want to add:

Note: You can also choose to add a single database or a list of databases to your page. If you choose to add a list of databases, please be aware that this is a selection of databases listed in the subject guides, and subject tagging may differ from our complete list of Library databases.

We suggest adding the database box from the appropriate subject guide to add a list of relevant subject-specific databases to your Canvas course.

How can you use the Library resources app to help your students?

The Library resources app can help your students discover Library resources in your discipline and where to find different types of information.
Ideas for how to use it:


Check out our learning technology support page to find out what options are available for the Library Resources App.

Page updated 20/03/2025 (minor edit)

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