Teaching Tip: Reduce information overload at the start of your course
Dr Suzanne Reid brought her course syllabus to life through the addition of an interactive digital welcome map.
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Dr Suzanne Reid brought her course syllabus to life through the addition of an interactive digital welcome map.
These pointers from Dr Anthony Brand will help you make lecture videos more accessible and engaging.
Dr Anthony Brand shares his thoughts on how to organise your lecture recordings into bite-sized segments.
Dr Anthony Brand breaks the icy silence in his lectures through the use of low-stakes in-class response tools.
Dr Suzanne Reid suggests creating connections with students through personal expression.
Dr Sonia Fonua finds a way to engage students early, especially in STEM disciplines, by bringing personal meaning through creative expression.
Bartek Ewertowski describes a 5-minute teaching technique, inspired by ancient Sparta's shouting elections, that gets everyone involved.
Dr Michael Hoffmann discovers an innovative solution to marking written assignments at scale using FeedbackFruits.
Curious about FeedbackFruits? See how its Group Member Evaluation tool can help create fair individual assessment in team assignments.
In the world of first-year chemistry, with over 1,000 students, how do you create meaningful connections? Dr Kaitlin Beare has been experimenting with innovative approaches to foster relational learning at scale.
See how Feedback Fruits’ Peer Review tool in Canvas has helped foster continuous skills practise through peer-driven feedback.
Dr Nigel Gearing reminds us of a few simple steps to enhance teaching and course design that can help alleviate the phenomenon of student disengagement.
Discover how Associate Professor Alice Mills (Criminology) is transforming assessments in her large undergraduate courses to better support students with learning impairments.
Explore the practical benefits of aligning a Canvas course with Canvas Baseline Practices through Nicole Wegner's experience of updating her Politics course.
In their tech-infused courses, Patrick Dodd, Inna Piven, and Dr Shahper Richter, are shaping a digital marketing curriculum that aims to prepare students for an AI-centric future.
Hazim Namik is a Mechanical Engineering lecturer whose vision for remote robotics learning highlighted the complexities of innovation within academia.
Lesley Gardner and Udayangi Muthupoltotage discuss how timely, frequent and constructive feedback has a powerful influence on student achievement. However, its impact on higher education students is hotly debated and often highly variable.
Step into Anna Fergusson’s classroom, where STATS 220: Data Technologies is more than just a course - it’s an adventure in data science.
Engaging students in creative exploration of German language and culture.
Explore how Dr Miriam James-Scotter is challenging traditional mindsets and practices within nursing education.
A Law course redesign emphasises student-centric learning, enriched with tutorials and quizzes.
Dr Gabriela Baron integrates various pedagogies, including relational, indigenous, TEL, and assessment-for-learning methodologies in DESIGN 233: Design and the Natural Environment.
Sparking student-driven learning: How Perusall transformed reading and discussions in an Asian Studies course.
Dr Dulani Jayasuriya developed a chat-bot to aid instructors and students in navigating a large undergraduate course.
Harnessing the power of H5P technology to create engaging and interactive learning resources for large classes.
Short examples of how our staff have adapted Gen-AI tools for teaching and learning.
Architecture students will be offered a truly engaging and immersive learning experience through the use of VR technology.
Dr Benjamin Liu provides a guide to working with AI writing tool GPT-4, to train it as a useful teaching assistant for answering students’ questions.
Jayden Houghton aims to make human connections with his students and encourages them to reflect on their values and their Law School experience.
The Faculty of Engineering has developed novel physical tools for teaching the properties of structural steel.
Two music courses were redesigned for online delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Helping develop students' abilities to collaborate in teams comprised of people with different backgrounds and skills.
In Mechanical Engineering, students apply 3D printing technology to real-world industrial applications.
Ruth Lemon has started reorganising the teaching and assessment schedules of courses, to reduce student workloads and stress for better student wellbeing.
Alys Longley provides choice and authenticity in assessment for DANCE 101 in order to engage students’ intrinsic motivation and interest.
Maxine Lewis discusses relationality in her teaching practice within Classics and Ancient History.
Jayden Houghton introduced student choice into his Law course assessments through having them create quizzes to support their fellow students.
In this practice example from DANCE 101, Associate Prof Alys Longley describes how she embeds relationality in her teaching practice.
Learn about a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) training programme within the Faculty of Engineering.
Using curriculum mapping to maintain coherence across an interdisciplinary core and create a consistent student experience.
Improve student writing by teaching students how to assess a piece of written work and introducing a peer review element to their essay.
Prepare students for their future working lives by developing new skills in emerging technologies through assessments.
Anuj Bhargava employs a constructivist approach to teaching, in which students interact with their experiences and their surroundings to build knowledge.
Whanaungatanga is to encourage the development of close connection between people, to create a sense of belonging. Waipapa Taumata Rau's design team co-designed a first-year compulsory Arts general course.
Self-paced and self-directed tasks for self-assessment/formative feedback (MUS103 and MUS130).
In the course, Principles of Microbiology, Dr Kathryn Jones provides students with a choice of essay topics for a writing assignment.
Piata Allen's Te Reo Māori Pronunciation Online course includes a range of activities for self-assessment.
Recording your feedback to students as video or audio can be time-efficient and more personalised, and students report paying more attention to it than written comments.
Maxine Lewis has used patchwork assessment to make assessment both more engaging and more inclusive.
Using peer review in Canvas discussions to develop skills in constructing arguments and critiquing peer work.
Associate Prof Jennifer Lees-Marshment incorporated authentic scenarios in the writing assignments to help students develop relevant writing skills for their future careers.
Using technology in the design, production and implementation of a series of inclusive online orientation activities for students in the Tertiary Foundation Certificate (TFC) Programme.
In Music 103 and 130, teachers moved away from the traditional lecture by providing a rich and engaging self-paced learning experience, with individual student care and facilitation.
Supporting greater student engagement with course readings through the use of collaborative, social reading tools.
Ideas from this case study will be useful if faced with challenges of remote teaching to large cohorts, or if you are interested in creative strategies for motivating and engaging all students.
As a whiteboarding platform, Miro helps your team go beyond brainstorming, with a wide variety of tasks that require collaboration.
Students use PeerWise to answer, create and share multiple-choice questions with their peers.
EDSW's Curriculum and Pedagogy programme used H5P to facilitate online interaction of students studying Mathematics and Statistics.
Utilising Microsoft (MS) Teams to allow for large class group project delivery; to collaborate, share files, chat and call.
Dr Monica Kam designed accessible online laboratory content using H5P to replicate a real lab's visual and interactive elements.