Sharing practice
Find out about some of the amazing work going on within your faculty and the wider universityExamples and inspiration
Staff from around the University have shared their ideas that may be relevant to your practice.
Insights: Designing with AI – reimagining architectural education
Can Gen-AI tools enhance architectural students' design process and critical thinking skills? Read on to find out.
Teaching Tip: Reduce information overload at the start of your course
Dr Suzanne Reid brought her course syllabus to life through the addition of an interactive digital welcome map.
Teaching Tip: Humanise lecture videos to connect with students
These pointers from Dr Anthony Brand will help you make lecture videos more accessible and engaging.
Teaching Tip: Chunk lecture videos to improve engagement
Dr Anthony Brand shares his thoughts on how to organise your lecture recordings into bite-sized segments.
Faculty learning and teaching hubs
Special interest groups
Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) monthly forum
This meeting is held on the first Monday of each month. Topics are primarily on the use of technology in teaching, along with timely reminders throughout the semester to help you schedule your workload.
1st Monday of each month
11 – 12pm
Learning Futures Community of Interest
The Learning Futures CoI is a community of University of Auckland teachers, learning designers, and teaching support staff who meet monthly via Zoom to showcase learning and teaching practice.
3rd Thursday of each month
2 – 3.30pm
Research Supervision Community of Interest
Join the community to share resources, explore ways to supervise candidates and work with supervisor colleagues. We welcome academics who hold a research supervisor role (masters or doctoral supervision). Our community meets to discuss topics suggested by members on Thursdays 1-3pm.
Join the RSCoI now by completing the expression of interest form.
UoA Employability Community of Interest
The Employability CoI is a great place to foster ideas for developing employable students. We encourage members to share any idea, from redeveloping teaching to incorporate authentic learning, to motivational strategies for job seekers. We aim to share something new each month.
Please follow this link to the MS Teams site to join the group and receive updates about events and developments. There you will also find instructions to join the group’s Canvas site.
Graduate School of Management Community of Practice
The Business School’s GSM Community of Practice aims to build connections within the department and explore the latest learning and teaching ideas and research.
Faculty of Arts and Education Learning and Teaching Community
The Learning and Teaching Community website is a Canvas hub for sharing practices, resources, and experiences, aimed to help teachers maximise student success.
FMHS Teaching and Learning Community
The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Community meets twice a month to share knowledge and practice in all aspects of learning and teaching.
Faculty of Science Learning and Teaching Community
The Faculty of Science Learning and Teaching Community (a Canvas hub) aims to support teachers with practical advice and learning innovations, and provides opportunities to share teaching practice.
Science Teaching and Learning Academy (STELA)
STELA is a community of interest focused on improving teaching and learning practices in our faculty. It is for anyone passionate about teaching, including early career lecturers, research fellows involved in teaching and thinking of forging a teaching career, through to Associate Professor and Professor, as well as professional staff working in the space of learner success to contribute to excellence in science education.
To get involved please email Dr Marion Blumenstein, Curriculum Development Manager or Professor Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Associate Dean Learning and Teaching, Science.
Learning from each other and sharing practices guided by values of whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga in an inclusive and diverse community of teachers is crucial in shaping the future of education at the University of Auckland. STELA members are expected to play an active role in the development of teaching capability in science with the aim to:
- Empower staff to contribute to an environment of excellence, leadership, and innovation in science education.
- Build strong and collaborative relationships within the science teaching and learning community.
- Guide, develop, and implement strategic learning and teaching initiatives.
- Share practices and experiences to support career development in teaching.
STELA sub-groups work on different projects according to expertise and interest to inform the development of resources, and provide guidance in science education such as:
- Peer Assessment and/or Group Work
- Supporting Student Transitions to University
- Developing Metacognitive Skills
- Student Voice and Collecting Feedback about Teaching from Students
- Relational Teaching Practices
- GTA/TA Training and Ongoing Professional Development
- Cultural Safety and Appropriateness in Teaching
- Teaching Awards and Grants
- Staff Peer Review of Teaching
Business School - Innovative Learning and Teaching Team
The Business School’s ILT host regular teaching fora for staff to share their practice. These events are open to all staff across the institution. Subscribe to their distribution list to be notified of upcoming events:
Monthly seminars
In person or on Zoom
Student Wellbeing Community of Interest
The Student Wellbeing Community of Interest is coordinated by the Student Wellbeing and Te Papa Manaaki, Campus Care teams. They invite staff to informal gatherings, to share their experience and explore ideas regarding the wellbeing of students.
Hybrid meetings are held monthly.
Sustainability Teaching Network
Both academic and professional staff are welcome to join our new Sustainability Teaching Network, a community of staff who are intrigued to learn more about what is going on in this space and what might be possible in the future.
Write for Times Higher Education (THE)
We invite staff to share their practice through Times Higher Education – THE Campus. Our writing coach, Gilbert Wong (from the Communications Office) will help you (re)develop your article, either from new or from an existing story. You will be sharing your ideas with an international audience, while raising both your own profile and that of the University. Find out more on the Staff Intranet.
Take a look at: THE Campus articles from our colleagues.
Academic Integrity Community of Practice
Academic Integrity Community of Practice provides an opportunity for members to share information about ongoing activities, new initiatives, and issues in their areas with respect to the promotion of academic integrity, and to academic misconduct processes. For more information about the meetings or to join, visit:
EDUCAUSE - advancing higher education through the use of IT
The University of Auckland is an institutional member of EDUCAUSE – a non-profit association whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of information technology. You can access their rich library of resources—both EDUCAUSE and EDUCAUSE Learning—by creating a user profile linked to your UoA staff email address (e.g.,
ASCILITE - Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education
The University of Auckland is an institutional member of ASCILITE. When staff or PhD candidates join, they can register for any number of special interest groups, take advantage of reduced rates for the yearly conference, plus other member benefits (PDF).
Other initiatives
TELOD - Technology for Equitable Learning Opportunities and Design
Page updated 19/03/2025 (new joining instructions for the Employability CoI)