Professional Learning Series
The TeachWell Professional Learning Series offers University of Auckland teachers a range of professional learning to support evidence-based educational practice, innovation and excellence.
Facilitated sessions
Self-directed sessions and curated resources
10-Minute Chats on Generative AI
A series of short conversations with international experts in generative AI and education, offered by Monash University. Each chat is structured around three key messages or questions that the guest wants to convey to the educational community. Be inspired by practical insights and real-world experiences to enhance your teaching approach.
Enhance your teaching with this active learning online resource from Harvard's Derek Bok Center. Discover interactive lesson plans and assignments designed for university classrooms. Search by activity type, learning goals, or teaching subject. Includes how-to guides, evidence of impact, and extensive research on active learning strategies.
Assessment for Learning
This session introduces you to components of good assessment design and practice, which centres student learning, is evidence based, and aligns to key strategic university frameworks.
Blended Learning
This session introduces the principles and purposes of blended learning in higher education, with a particular lens on Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland and the New Zealand context.
Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching
A self-paced teaching induction course featuring content developed by Macquarie University staff. This course provides foundational knowledge and practical strategies for effective teaching in HE, making it an essential resource for new educators.
The University encourages teachers to actively participate in their community by sharing insights and supporting their colleagues’ development. Look to these examples of where you might make a contribution to help nurture a culture of excellence.
Course Design
This session discusses constructive alignment of a course. You will learn various methods to align learning outcomes with teaching and learning activities and assessment tasks.
Gen-AI: Transforming assessments in higher education
Explore the evolving landscape of generative AI in higher education through this insightful and thought-provoking 3-part video series from the University of Sydney, featured on the TEQSA website as part of the recommended resources on Gen-AI for academic staff.
Generative AI 101
Explore this online course aimed at University of Auckland staff to learn about Gen-AI tools in a teaching and learning context.
This is an early preview of one of three soon to be released modules.
The session should take you between 90 – 120 minutes.
Graduate Teaching Assistants
Welcome to the Professional Learning Series for teaching support staff. Three modules will help you gain confidence in teaching for active learning, group work, and contested spaces.
He Aratohu Haumaru: For Learner Success
This session offers a practical toolbox of strategies to enhance learner success at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland. You will discover how to adapt your teaching practices and create an inclusive learning environment that benefits all learners, with a special emphasis on supporting Māori and Pacific students.
Here we are again – back teaching in front of the camera!
Discover strategies for live and pre-recorded presentations in this series of short videos by voice coach Koo Abuali, designed to help teaching staff develop effective online presentation skills. Each video focuses on specific aspects of online presence and vocal delivery, aiming to project confidence and create engaging content.
These videos were created in response to student feedback at Macquarie University.
Reflect on your teaching
Reflective practice is essential for effective teaching and professional development, fostering personal growth and enriching the educational experience.
Reflection Toolkit
Explore this free toolkit from the University of Edinburgh, which consists of Reflector's Toolkit (for one's self-reflection on teaching, development or other areas), Facilitators' Toolkit (for assigning reflection to students) and Literature (a comprehensive bibliography on themes related to reflection).
TeachWell Framework
These resources are designed to support the TeachWell Framework. The Framework describes five domains of educational practice: design, teach, assess, reflect, and contribute. Ability in these areas is further expressed as either core or extended capability. Find out more about the Framework and how to use it.
Page updated 25/02/2025 (added Graduate Teaching Assistants)