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Canvas Marking & Grading

Join our in-house digital learning specialist, Karl McGuirk as he walks us through Canvas must-knows. This session is suitable for staff who are responsible for marking and grading assessments in Canvas.

The session will include:

  • accessing the Canvas SpeedGrader
  • how to use the annotation and comment tools in SpeedGrader
  • entering grades, using rubrics and feedback opportunities in Canvas
  • best practice tips for navigating the Canvas Gradebook interface
Karl McGuirk

The sessions are held in Zoom. Upon registering, you will receive a calendar reminder.

Tuesday 1 October, 1 – 2pm

* Please register using your University of Auckland staff email address:

Thursday 3 October, 10 – 11am

* Please register using your University of Auckland staff email address:

Tuesday 15 October, 1 – 2pm

* Please register using your University of Auckland staff email address:

Tuesday 17 October, 10 – 11am

* Please register using your University of Auckland staff email address: