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Graduate Teaching Assistants

Nau mai, haere mai | Welcome to Teaching for GTAs

These modules have been created to support and guide your teaching practice. The purpose is to provide easily digestible information and practical strategies.

Within each module you will find straightforward explanations, guidance and downloadable one-pagers for your teaching toolkit.

We hope you find the resources we have created for you helpful.

core teach

Module 1: Active learning

Time to complete: Approximately 30 minutes.

Transform your teaching approach with this concise introduction to active learning. Explore practical strategies to boost student engagement, encourage critical thinking, and create interactive learning experiences. Ideal for new educators, this module offers evidence-based techniques to move beyond traditional lectures and foster meaningful classroom participation.

core teach

Module 2: Group work

Time to complete: Approximately 35 minutes.

Group work can be a powerful way to support student learning and skill development. This module explores why collaboration matters and practical strategies for designing effective group activities and assessments. Learn how to address common challenges while helping students build critical teamwork and communication skills.

core teach

Module 3: Contested spaces

Time to complete: Approximately 45 minutes.

Complex societal issues often spark strong emotions and diverse opinions in the classroom. This module equips you with tools to prepare for and facilitate difficult conversations, build trust, and create a safe space for open dialogue. Turn challenging discussions into opportunities for critical thinking and meaningful engagement with different perspectives.

These resources are designed to support the TeachWell Framework. The Framework describes five domains of educational practice: design, teach, assess, reflect, and contribute. Ability in these areas is further expressed as either core or extended capability. Find out more about the Framework and how to use it.

Additional resources

UoA Tutoring Central

Discover a comprehensive toolkit for GTAs, TAs, tutors, and all teaching support staff.

Page updated 25/02/2025 (page added)

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