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Conference: EDULEARN25 annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies

Europe’s leading education conference in Palma, Spain.

The 17th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, will take place in Palma, Spain from 30 June – 2 July, 2025. Since its inception in 2008, conferences held annually have secured its status as one of Europe’s largest and most trusted education conferences for professionals, researchers and technologists around the world.

conference hall

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Important dates:
13 March 2025: Abstract submissions due
10 April 2025: Notification of acceptance/rejection
24 April 2025: Early registration discount ends
8 May 2025: Final paper submission due and registration deadline for authors
5 June 2025: Virtual presentation deadline
30 June – 2 July 2025: Conference under way

Conference website
All the details, including more important dates, information on programme, registration, location, and more, are available on the conference webpage.

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