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Employability Community of Interest monthly seminar

The Employability Community of Interest hosts a series of monthly seminars held in hybrid mode, that focus on promoting the skills required for our graduates to succeed in today’s market.

The UoA Employability Community of Interest’s mission is to promote future focused teaching beyond the degree. This includes:

  • Bringing all individuals and units interested in employability together to provide support, share best practice ideas, resources and coping strategies, maintain motivation.
  • Advocating for employability at the University of Auckland.
  • Proposing ideas for development to expand and enhance the employability provision at the University of Auckland.
  • Identifying and communicate the value that the university contributes to society which can be used in reports for TEC, communications and marketing, and recruitment.
  • Keeping everyone up to speed with developments in this area.

COI-E membership

Please follow this link to the MS Teams site to join the group and receive updates about events and developments. There you will also find instructions to join the group’s Canvas site.

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April 2025

A scalable University-based ICT Internship Programme: Addressing Challenges in Student Growth

When: Wednesday 9th April, 2 – 3pm
Location: Building 207-501 (map) or online via Microsoft Teams
Presenter: David Huang from Auckland ICT Graduate School

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