Learning and teaching at the Auckland Law School
Find out what’s happening in the learning and teaching space within the Auckland Law School.
For staff
Law Learning and Teaching
Law Learning and Teaching hosts course configuration ideas, tips on tools and technologies, and general information for approaching teaching and research.
Auckland Law School staff intranet
Find out what’s happening in the learning and teaching space on the Law School staff intranet.
UoA Tutoring Central
This training resource helps Graduate Teaching Assistants get up to speed with what it means to be an effective tutor.
For students
Legal Research and Writing Skills Hub
This website guides students through the legal research process and developing writing skills.
Law Mooting
Law Subject Guides
The Law Subject Guides assist students and researchers in finding the right sources for the information they need from a list of curated key resources.
Law Tutors
This resource provides hot tips for tutors for: holding tutorials, marking, timetables, money matters and more.
Learning Essentials
Learning Essentials is maintained by Libraries and Learning Services; it helps students develop their study and research skills. Students also have a link to Learning Essentials from their Canvas courses.
Case studies in teaching
Intellectual Property Law: From Zoom to interactive online learning
A Law course redesign emphasises student-centric learning, enriched with tutorials and quizzes.
How to make ChatGPT work as a teaching assistant: a case study in law
Dr Benjamin Liu provides a guide to working with AI writing tool GPT-4, to train it as a useful teaching assistant for answering students’ questions.
Teaching law: Deepening students’ relationships with discipline, teacher and self
Jayden Houghton aims to make human connections with his students and encourages them to reflect on their values and their Law School experience.
Student choice in Law assignments: quiz design as assessment
Jayden Houghton introduced student choice into his Law course assessments through having them create quizzes to support their fellow students.
We have collated examples of teaching practice from around the University. We hope these might inspire you to try something new.