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  6.  — Canvas apps/LTI tools and plugins

Canvas apps/LTI tools and plugins

Canvas allows third-party app developers access to data and resources through secure connections called Application Programming Interface (API) and Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI).

Canvas plugins

These add-ins to Canvas can make designing your course a little easier.

Canvas apps/LTI tools

A list of University-supported third-party tools that integrate with Canvas.

Request a new app/LTI integration

Explore these options for requesting additional Canvas apps/LTI tools not currently supported by the University.

See also

Canvas API access tokens

Access tokens allow third-party tools access to Canvas data. Find out how to request and manage them safely.


Check out our learning technology support page to find out what options are available for Canvas.

Page updated 20/01/2025 (minor edit)

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