Teaching Tip: Reduce information overload at the start of your course
Dr Suzanne Reid brought her course syllabus to life through the addition of an interactive digital welcome map.
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Dr Suzanne Reid brought her course syllabus to life through the addition of an interactive digital welcome map.
Dr Anthony Brand breaks the icy silence in his lectures through the use of low-stakes in-class response tools.
Lesley Gardner and Udayangi Muthupoltotage discuss how timely, frequent and constructive feedback has a powerful influence on student achievement. However, its impact on higher education students is hotly debated and often highly variable.
Engaging students in creative exploration of German language and culture.
A Law course redesign emphasises student-centric learning, enriched with tutorials and quizzes.
Sparking student-driven learning: How Perusall transformed reading and discussions in an Asian Studies course.
Dr Dulani Jayasuriya developed a chat-bot to aid instructors and students in navigating a large undergraduate course.
Supporting greater student engagement with course readings through the use of collaborative, social reading tools.
Ideas from this case study will be useful if faced with challenges of remote teaching to large cohorts, or if you are interested in creative strategies for motivating and engaging all students.
Utilising Microsoft (MS) Teams to allow for large class group project delivery; to collaborate, share files, chat and call.