Anuj Bhargava is a Professional Teaching Fellow in Physiology, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. He teaches physiology to around 800 second and third-year Medical and Bachelor of Science students in large lecture, small group and laboratory settings.
In this practice example, Anuj shares a bit about his teaching practice.

Care for students
Anuj says, whatever the setting, he gives each student his respect and attention:
“Learning is deeply personal. Students acquire knowledge best when teaching is tailored to their specific requirements. I put students at the centre of my teaching and connect with them as distinct individuals.” (Connection: student to teacher)
Inclusive learning
It is important to Anuj to support and be culturally responsive to all learners, particularly Māori students, Pacific students, international students and students who are the first in their family to attend University. Anuj says:
“I relate easily to students and sympathise with their challenges, fostering learning environments that build empathy. My approach is holistic. I prioritise understanding my students and their backgrounds, recognising their needs at different stages and facilitating their progress to graduation. I endeavour to create inclusive environments in which effective learning and creativity flourish. Contributing to my students’ growth as individuals is what makes my role so very special.”
One student shares, “As a Pasifika student, I am especially aware of his inclusivity and ongoing commitment, he goes out of his way to make me feel like I belong in a system whose values do not align with my own”. (Connection: student to teacher)
Interactive learning
As well as using real-world examples for context, Anuj promotes an interactive learning environment by encouraging student dialogue during lectures. He draws on a constructivist approach, where learners interacts with experience and environment to construct knowledge. Anuj also provides opportunities for self-reflection and peer review of fellow students’ work which further enriches their learning. (Connection: student to self, student to peers, student to teacher, student to context)
Building confidence and sustaining curiosity
By providing personal support, guidance and extensive feedback, Anuj enables his students to build confidence in core understandings, from which they can explore and take ownership of their learning.
Anuj also embraces the challenges of stimulating enthusiasm in students for physiology, identifying pedagogical and social strategies to sustain students’ curiosity in the subject. He creates clinical scenarios for students, showing them physiological principles at work in real bodies. He also encourages them to relate physiological concepts to the working of their bodies, to contextualise and substantiate the ideas. (Connection: student to content, student to context)
Connecting to the wider world
Anuj expresses: “What happens outside the classroom is another important aspect of excellent teaching. I provide my students with meaningful with industry contacts and prospective employers via networking, professional-development events and career expos.” (Connection: student to context)
The information on this page is adapted from:
Anuj Bhargava – Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching, Ako Aotearoa 2020
Matiu Tai Rātima, Jennifer Pearl Smith, Angus Hikairo Macfarlane, Nathan Mahikai Riki, Kay-Lee Jones, Lisa Kaye Davies (Eds.) (2022). Ngā hau e whā o Tāwhirimātea: Culturally responsive teaching and learning for the tertiary sector. University of Canterbury Press.