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TeachWell Consult @ Ranga Auaha Ako | Learning and Teaching Design Team

Ranga Auaha Ako works in partnership with faculties and other professional service units to purposefully plan and design high quality, inclusive learning experiences.

TeachWell Consult

We talk teaching! If you would like to explore:

  • Assessment design
  • Making digital learning decisions
  • Course design
  • Relational learning strategies
  • Writing learning outcomes
  • Accessibility or Canvas baseline practices
  • Other aspects of your teaching practice

What we don’t do (unless part of a larger project):

  • Migrate course content across platforms
  • Edit your videos
  • Build bespoke software for a course

We offer up to three hours of consultation time with an experienced learning designer from Ranga Auaha Ako. Consider using this time to explore ideas and potential in your current teaching practice.

Our Learning designers can partner with you as a critical friend or supportive colleague to delve into your current teaching challenge.


How does it work?

  • Raise a service request through the TeachWell Consult portal.
  • One of our team will be in touch within 48 hours to book an initial chat so that we can better understand your context and specific requirement.
  • From there, we can arrange further meetings as required, up to a total of three hours.

About us

Ranga Auaha Ako is part of the University’s Education Office. We are a cross-functional team of learning designers, application specialists, software developers and educational technologists who believe in the value of designing for learning. We work at different scales – on programme and course design or smaller projects that might involve redesigning an element of a course. From 2023 onwards, much of our work is focused on supporting the Curriculum Framework Transformation.

Ranga Auaha Ako
The University of Auckland
Level 3, Fisher International Building
18 Waterloo Quadrant
Auckland 1010
New Zealand

Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Curriculum Development Managers

We also partner with Curriculum Development Managers on large scale strategic projects.

Our approach is


We will work alongside you and guide you through a design process to co-create rewarding, inclusive and sustainable student learning experiences. We will ask supportive and sometimes challenging questions about your approaches to teaching. Through building reciprocity, will help you get closer to achieving your teaching and learning goals.



We will help you to design new and existing programmes and courses, according to your needs. Through relationship-building and whanaungatanga, we will discuss your pedagogical intentions and explore how learning design can make impactful changes to the staff and student experience. We will focus on Universal Design for Learning principles, which include making plans for a diverse student community through:

  • Creating opportunities for active and relational learning.
  • Designing authentic assessments and new approaches to feedback.
  • Exploring how technologies can create rich blended learning experiences.



We maintain awareness of emerging trends and good practice in education and curriculum design. We will help you incorporate evidence-based approaches into the design and development of your programme or course. We can also link you to resources and networks for further professional development.

Our team

Stephanie Reid

Stephanie Reid
Associate Director

Bernd Martin

Bernd Martin
Senior Learning Designer, Team Lead

Rowan Herbert

Rowan Herbert
Senior Learning Designer, Team Lead

Dr Steve Leichtweis

Dr Steve Leichtweis
Head of Elearning Group

Andrei Fronteras

Andrei Fronteras
Learning Technologist

Andy Fey

Andy Fey
Learning Designer

Anne McKay

Anne McKay
Learning Designer

Headshot Cathy Hua smiling at camera

Cathy Hua
Education Software Developer

Craig Housley

Craig Housley
Senior Application Specialist

Daniel Stark
Learning Technologist

Delwyn Holder

Delwyn Holder
Senior Learning Designer

Dennis Yeung

Dennis Yeung
Learning Technologist

Dr Evija Trofimova

Dr Evija Trofimova
Learning Designer

Heera Kim

Heera Kim
Learning Designer

Helena Kim

Helena Kim
Business Support Lead

Imran Ismail

Imran Ismail
Learning Technologist

Jacqui Thornley

Jacqui Thornley
Learning Designer

Janna Androutsou

Janna Androutsou
Learning Designer

Jenna Wilkins

Jenna Wilkins
Learning Designer

Karl McGuirk

Karl McGuirk
Senior Digital Lead

Kay Harrison

Kay Harrison
Learning Designer

Lisa Ransom

Lisa Ransom
Learning Designer

Lynette Leong

Lynette Leong
Learning Designer

Melanie Leonard
Learning Designer

Dr Melissa McMinn

Dr Melissa McMinn
Learning Designer

Dr Merle Hearns

Dr Merle Hearns
Learning Designer

Michelle Yao

Michelle Yao

Mojan Mosavat

Mojan Mosavat
Learning Designer

Nicola Paton

Nicola Paton
Learning Designer

Nicoletta Rata-Skudder

Nicoletta Rata-Skudder
Learning Designer

Dr Nigel Gearing

Dr Nigel Gearing
Learning Designer

Peni Kamakorewa

Peni Kamakorewa
Learning Designer

Samuel Joe

Samuel Joe
Learning Designer

Sarah Kirk

Sarah Kirk
Learning Designer

Scott Schutte

Scott Schutte
Learning Technologist

Sue Tickner

Sue Tickner
Learning Designer

Sumia Quazi

Sumia Quazi
Learning Designer

Tony Chung

Tony Chung
Application Specialist

Wen-Chen Hol

Wen-Chen Hol
Education Software Developer

Xiaowei Ding

Xiaowei Ding
Learning Designer

Page updated 18/09/2024 (minor edit)

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