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  3. Learning technologies to support teaching
  4.  — Faculty or self-supported tools

Faculty or self-supported tools

These tools are not supported by the University’s Staff Service Centre but may be supported within your faculty or by Libraries and Learning Services. If you think something should be added to the list, please let us know by sending us feedback via the link below.

The tools are clustered around their potential to support the six learning types, as described by Diana Laurillard.

Centrally supported teaching tools

View the centrally supported core teaching tools for flexible learning.



Libraries and Learning Services
Reference management tools

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

Self-supported tools
Web-based resources*



Libraries and Learning Services
Reference management tools

Faculty of Science
PeerWise collaborative quizzes



Self-supported tools
YouTube or Vimeo



Faculty of Science
The R Project for Statistical Computing
PeerWise collaborative quizzes

Libraries and Learning Services
Library databases
Reference management tools

Self-supported tools
Web-based resources*



Faculty of Science
The R Project for Statistical Computing
PeerWise collaborative quizzes

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences



Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Anthology (formerly Chalk & Wire)
Sonia Online – Practicum placement portal

Faculty of Education and Social Work

Faculty of Science
The R Project for Statistical Computing
PeerWise collaborative quizzes

Self-supported tools
YouTube or Vimeo

* Web-based resources: Open textbooks, audio books, podcasts, multimedia resources, databases, MOOCs, Library database subscriptions.

Note: The University does not prevent you from using unsupported technologies, but please be cognisant of the risks of self-support, while maintaining a safe learning environment for students.

Page updated 25/03/2025 (added Peerwise)

Send us your feedback

What do you think about this page? Is there something missing? For enquiries unrelated to this content, please visit the Staff Service Centre

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