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Learning Futures Community of Interest

We meet monthly via Zoom to showcase learning and teaching practice
The Learning Futures Community of Interest welcomes all University staff to share their experiences, expertise, and ideas about learning design and the opportunities (and challenges) brought about by the ever-changing educational landscape and developing technology.

All UoA staff members are welcome, so please subscribe to the mailing list and we will send the relevant details directly to you, including a link to add our meetings to your calendar.

3rd Thursday of each month (February – November)
2 – 3.30pm

A Microsoft Teams channel provides a place for conversation.*

Subscribe to the Learning Futures CoI

Please use your University of Auckland staff email address

* New University of Auckland subscribers are added to the MS Teams channel. If you don’t have access after a day or so, please email us.

Our aim is to empower educators and learners through collaborative exploration and innovation in learning design, assessment strategies, and technology-enhanced education (including Generative AI) and to foster compelling, engaging, and inclusive learning experiences. Through building our learning community, we hope to advance university education through innovation, collaboration, and technology, fostering a culture of excellence and inclusivity in learning and teaching.

If you or a colleague would like to share your learning design and teaching practices (failures, wins, learnings or conundrums!), to contribute to the teaching culture across the University, please get in touch with us at