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New Special Conditions in Tests and Examinations Procedures

29 November 2024

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on Pexels

The new procedures clarify roles and streamline processes for special conditions, benefiting both students and teaching staff across Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland.

Streamlined process for teachers

  1. Consistent student experience across the University
  1. Clear division of responsibilities minimises back-and-forth communication
  1. Secure delivery of test information

The University has recently released Special Conditions in Tests and Examinations Procedures, effective from September 2024. These procedures work in conjunction with the Special Conditions for Tests and Examinations Policy (introduced in 2012) to outline roles, responsibilities, and processes for implementing special conditions university-wide.

As special conditions in exams are primarily managed by Assessment Services, as teaching staff you will find that these new procedures mainly affect your responsibilities regarding special conditions in tests.


The procedures cover both permanent and temporary impairments, reflecting a more inclusive approach to student support.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Students: Apply for special conditions with supporting evidence.
  • Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care: Handle straightforward applications, referring complex cases to University Health and Counselling Services or Inclusive Learning.
  • Assessment Services: Approve recommended special conditions, organise for examinations.
  • Ratonga Hauātanga Tauira | Student Disability Services (SDS): Communicate approved conditions and provide specialist support for tests.
  • Group Services: Assist with organising non-specialist support for tests if required.
  • Course directors/coordinators: Provide test details to SDS, refer to students’ special conditions on Faculty Access Portal, communicate arrangements for non-specialist support.

For tests

  • Course directors and coordinators play a crucial role.
  • SDS provides details of student’s approved conditions through Faculty Access Portal (Symplicity).
  • Faculty staff are responsible for implementing non-specialist support (extra time, room with fewer students, or a room on own).
  • SDS handles specialist support (reader/writer support, assistive technology, NZ Sign Language Interpreting, Braille formats).
  • Course coordinators or directors also must provide test papers to SDS if they’re hosting a student with specialist support.

Scenario: Student with extra time plus room with fewer students or a room on own accommodation (special conditions)


  1. Student applies for special conditions through Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care.
  2. Approved conditions communicated the course coordinator/director via Faculty Access Portal.
  3. The course coordinator/director arranges extra time in room with fewer students or a room on own with the assistance of Group Services (if needed) for in-class test.

Scenario: Student with a reader/writer and a room on own accommodation (special conditions)


  1. Student applies for special conditions through Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care.
  2. Approved conditions communicated to SDS and the course coordinator/director via Faculty Access Portal.
  3. SDS will contact the student and ask if they wish to use the reader/writer in the test.
  4. If the student responds “yes” then SDS will organise the test and communicate arrangements with the student, the course coordinator/director will be asked to upload their test paper to the Faculty Access Portal, and after the test the student’s completed test paper can be retrieved from the Faculty Access Portal.
  5. If the student responds “no”, SDS will email the course coordinator/director to ask them to host the student.

Special conditions in tests: Who does what?

Condition type Responsible party
Extra time Faculty
Room with fewer students Faculty
Reader/writer SDS
Assistive tech SDS

For a comprehensive breakdown, consult Appendix 1 of the full procedures document.

For examinations: Minimal faculty involvement required

Assessment Services (

  • Handle the whole process for end of academic term exams
  • Automatically apply approved special conditions to exams
  • Organise and deliver the approved special conditions
  • Contact students if special conditions can’t be applied automatically

Looking ahead

These procedures, alongside the Special Conditions in Test and Examinations Policy, reflect the University’s commitment to inclusivity as outlined in the Disability Action Plan. By implementing these procedures effectively, we create a more equitable learning environment where all students can demonstrate their abilities.

For more detailed information, please refer to the full Special Conditions in Tests and Examinations Procedures document.

See also

Students with disabilities

Find out how to identify support for students with disabilities through your Faculty Access Portal.

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