Curriculum Framework Transformation Progress
Timely updates looking at Curriculum Framework Transformation progress through the stories and experiences of our community members who are making it all happen.
The latest from the Curriculum Framework Transformation (CFT) project includes a revision of the undergraduate phasing timeline, the launch of the Transdisciplinary (TD) website, the introduction of the CFT Marketing and Recruitment Working Group, and an update from the Canvas Baseline Practices team.

The timeline shows the progress from Semester One 2024 to Semester Two 2026. The main streams of work are: General Education courses are phased out by Semester One 2026, the piloting of the Waipapa Taumata Rau (transitioning to uni) course is introduced in Semester Two 2024, the introduction of the transdisciplinary pilot courses, the introduction of a suite of ‘clusters’ in Semester One 2025. Additional streams include: realising the refreshed graduate profiles in course design and aligning teaching practice with the signature pedagogical practices.
- The Waipapa Taumata Rau course will be piloted in Science and Arts through the Gen-Ed schedule in 2024. It will expand to seven faculty-based courses as a requirement for all enrolling UG students in 2025.
- Two pilots for the 15-point transdisciplinary learning requirement will be on offer in Semester Two, 2024 through the Gen-Ed schedule. Four additional courses will start in Semester Two, 2025. Ultimately, the number of courses will expand—final course numbers are yet to be determined and will be informed by EFTS modelling—and will become a requirement for all enrolling students from 2026 (does not include mātauranga Māori pathways in 2026).
- General Education will remain a requirement for students in 2024 and 2025 but there will be a reduction in 2025 of courses on offer and a reduction in the requirement for students. For example, a move from 30 to 15 points for programmes with an existing 30-point requirement. Gen-Ed is not a requirement for enrolling students from 2026.
- The inclusion of up to 45 points of ‘open space’ will be available in degrees from 2026 and a suite of ‘clusters’ will be an option for students.
Refreshed Graduate Profiles: Mapping to Digital Course Outlines
This year, faculties will update their Digital Course Outlines (DCOs) with the new Graduate Profile attributes. This will come into effect for Semester One, 2024.

The refreshed graduate profiles to digital course outlines process starts in May, 2023 where programmes map GPs that are approved at school and faculty level. In July the approved GPs are filed in a central curriculum framework transformation location. In August the refreshed GPs are uploaded to digital course outlines. In October 2023, the 2024 DCOs are sent to Course Directors for editing. In October to November 2023, the Course Directors map learning outcomes in DCOs to the refreshed GPs. Finally, in November to December, the 2024 DCOs are published.
Launch of the Transdisciplinary Network@UoA website
The TD team has developed a website to help provide information and resources for staff regarding transdisciplinary learning, it’s inclusion into the curriculum, and the Transdisciplinary 15-point requirement courses. Learn more about the transdisciplinary learning requirement on SharePoint.
Marketing and recruitment
A new working group comprised of representatives from marketing and recruitment across the University has started meeting fortnightly to plan out communications and branding for the future CFT changes.
A top priority for the group is the 2025 Undergraduate Prospectus, which will need to include CFT-related copy around the Waipapa Taumata Rau compulsory courses (at scale in 2025) and some mention of changes to General Education.
Looking ahead, the group will also collaborate on overarching branding and messaging around the new UG proposition for students, and will conduct a thorough review of existing website content to identify where changes will need to be made.
Canvas Baseline Practices Team celebrate a milestone
The CBP Learning Technologists have marked the completion of their 50th Stage 1 course for Semester One, 2024.
The team have continued to gain momentum as the work has progressed and have now aligned 103 courses with the Canvas baseline practices, with another 30 another under review. Thank you to all faculty staff who have made themselves available to assist with this important work.
Learn more about the Canvas baseline practices.
See also
Curriculum Framework Transformation Hub
Everything CFT on the SharePoint Hub.
CFT Programme overview
Curriculum Framework Transformation project overview on the Staff Intranet.