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Canvas guides for teachers at the start of the semester

28 February 2023

We have some suggestions that may be useful for getting started in the new semester.

General reminders

Publish your course

A friendly reminder that course coordinators are asked to publish their Canvas course two weeks before the start of teaching.

Declutter files with UDOIT

UDOIT’s File Review offers a simple solution to declutter your course and boost content accessibility for students.

Student guide

Our Canvas Student Guide lists the essential knowledge and skills students need to study on Canvas. The basics of Canvas, e.g., what is Canvas and how to access it, are included in the guide with links to step-by-step instructions.

Please promote the student guide during the first week of classes.

Cross-listed courses

Year-long courses and courses with different codes but with the same content are potential candidates for cross-listing. Cross-listing means you that you will be able to edit the content of multiple courses in only one course. We strongly recommend that you get your courses cross-listed before you start the course setup. Once students submit an assignment, we will no longer be able to perform cross-listing.

Once you have made your decision, please request the cross-listing of your courses via our .

Read more on our Canvas resources page:

Walkthrough video tours of Canvas for teachers

Canvas Essentials

These Canvas introductory videos include the topics:

  • Communication channels
  • Using the rich content editor
  • Creating and managing modules
  • Canvas access and notifications
Canvas Essentials video

Video: Our in-house expert, Karl McGuirk, steps us through the Canvas must know’s. This video is presented in Panopto. Sign in to watch the video with your University of Auckland credentials.

Video series: Our in-house digital learning specialist, Karl McGuirk, steps us through the Canvas must know’s. This video is presented in Panopto. Sign in to watch the video with your University of Auckland credentials.

Canvas Assessment

These Canvas videos include the topics:

  • Creating assignments
  • Creating and attaching rubrics
  • Using assignment groups
  • Turnitin integration
  • Assignment options
Canvas assesment video

Video: Our in-house expert, Karl McGuirk, steps us through the must know’s of Canvas assessment. This video is presented in Panopto. Sign in to watch the video with your University of Auckland credentials.

Video series: Karl presents tips for creating and managing assignments in Canvas. This video is presented in Panopto. Sign in to watch the video with your University of Auckland credentials.

Marking and grading

These Canvas videos include the topics:

  • Navigating the Gradebook
  • Grading in the Gradebook and additional features
  • Entering feedback in SpeedGrader
  • Annotating and Grading in SpeedGrader
Canvas marking and grading videos

Video: Our in-house expert, Karl McGuirk, steps us through marking and grading in Canvas. This video is presented in Panopto. Sign in to watch the video with your University of Auckland credentials.

Video series: Karl demonstrates aspects of marking and grading with Canvas. This video is presented in Panopto. Sign in to watch the video with your University of Auckland credentials.

More tips

  • Course Access Coordinators (CACs) can add instructors (teachers, TAs, teaching support, etc.) to Canvas courses. But CACs cannot edit or add content. CACs can also add themselves to a course as a teacher or a teaching support.
  • Our is a home for tutor training and professional development resources. It includes modules on aspects of the tutoring role, resources collated from within and outside the University, including links to faculty tutor training pages, and spaces for tutors to connect and discuss.
  • If you will teach or support a course in the new semester / quarter, but don’t see the course on your , please via our SSC Portal.
  • Instructors can validate links in a course using the Canvas link validator.

See also

Pre-semester checklist for teachers

Our checklist includes tips to prepare for teaching, including suggestions for Canvas.

Canvas baseline practices

The baseline practices promotes a more consistent and accessible student learning experience.

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