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Student support: Services and activities

Before new students arrive in your classroom for the first time, they have already received our support.

Here we raise awareness of the services offered to students while they transition to university life. The aim is to help teachers avoid mixed messaging and duplication of effort.


Prior to arriving at University, new students receive timely information to help them prepare for university:

Students are invited to answer a pre-arrival questionnaire—to raise any concerns and outline their needs—and given the opportunity to request a Uni Guide to support them in the first few weeks.

Orientation week

During Orientation Week, the University hosts several online information sessions for both undergraduates and postgraduates; on campus tours are also available. Sessions are tailored to each faculty so students get the information pertaining to their degree programme.

  • enrolment clinics
  • sessions for each faculty
  • a welcome event for postgraduates
  • orientation for Grafton campus
  • international student sessions
  • mihi whakatau ceremony

Key support services for students throughout their studies

You may wish to provide relevant information to your students via a “Pātaitai | Help & Support” section of your Canvas course. Please note, as part of the Canvas Baseline Practices project, faculties are rolling out their own tailored student support information for Stage I courses. If your course is not included in the roll-out—for information to remain consistent—staff may wish to consider adopting the locally chosen Canvas template (whether at the faculty, school or major level) and adhere to the consensus approach. Speak with your Programme Director or faculty Associate Dean Learning and Teaching.


Students facing exceptional learning circumstances

Te Papa Manaaki has been advised (by the academic team) that as of 2023, the number of online courses will be significantly reduced as we return to on-campus learning. Therefore the decision has been made to discontinue online learning for exceptional circumstances.

If you are working with students who are still facing an exceptional circumstance outside of their control, please refer them to Te Papa Manaaki so one of the team can work with them on a support plan looking at academic and other needs.

New students hub

This section of the central website outlines the need-to-know information to help students’ transition to university.

  • faculty information
  • advice from 2nd and 3rd year students
  • life on campus
  • enrolment planning
  • UoA Alert app (for emergency and safety information)

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care

If you notice a student struggling with:

  • mental health
  • COVID-19 support
  • bullying, harassment & discrimination
  • family violence, assault and sexual harm
  • anxiety or stress
  • financial difficulties
  • caring for others

or has made a racist comment in class, please report a concern.

Auckland University Students’ Association

AUSA helps students with:

  • advocacy
  • hardship grants
  • buddy programme
  • queer space
  • support against family violence
  • food and emergency needs
  • sanitary products
  • resources for class reps

Be well information hub

Be well can help students answer questions that affect their physical and emotional wellbeing:

  • COVID-19 information
  • consent and respect
  • harmful sexual behaviour
  • healthy relationships
  • staying healthy (body & mind)
  • money matters

IT requirements

Direct students to information about their IT needs:

Academic support

Resources to help students develop their academic skills:

Māori and Pacific students

Supporting the success of our tangata whenua and Pacific people:

Page updated: 01/11/2024 (added UoA Alert app)

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