The University encourages teachers to actively participate in their community by sharing insights and supporting their colleagues’ development.
What do we mean by contribute?
The TeachWell Framework defines ‘contribute’ as a teacher’s active engagement within the educational landscape. It is about sharing expertise, collaborating on initiatives to improve learning outcomes, and stepping into leadership roles (both informal and formal) that guides teaching practice.
Contributing also means pursuing professional learning of teaching to enrich one’s own ability and participating in community-building activities that foster a dynamic exchange of ideas.
Ultimately, contributing is about being a proactive member of the academic community, dedicated to nurturing a culture of excellence that leads to a better student experience.

How TeachWell Framework defines ‘contribute’ capabilities
Core capability
“Making constructive contributions to the teaching culture of the school/department/teaching team.” (p. 5, TeachWell Framework, Version 2.0, 2024).
At the core level, all teachers are expected to make constructive contributions to the teaching culture of their school, department, or team. This involves sharing knowledge, supporting peers, and participating in collective efforts to enhance the educational environment.
Extended capability
“Engaging in formal or informal leadership that has had a beneficial influence on others’ teaching and that advances student learning in the course, department/school, and faculty.” (p. 6).
For more experienced staff, the extended capabilities include engaging in formal or informal leadership roles that positively influence others’ teaching and advance student learning. This reflects a deeper involvement and a broader impact on the teaching culture.
Ways to contribute
Departmental seminars and workshops
Organise or participate in events that discuss pedagogical strategies, curriculum design, assessment design or research in education.
Curriculum development
Collaborate with colleagues to design or revise courses and programs that reflect the University’s goals.
Teaching observations/peer review of teaching
Invite peers to observe your classes and provide constructive feedback and reciprocate the process. See peer review of teaching.
Peer review
Similarly to peer review of teaching, you can also engage in peer review processes for teaching materials, providing feedback to refine educational resources.
Leadership roles
Take on roles such as course coordinator, and Associate Head or Dean roles with learning and teaching responsibility, to shape the teaching practices within your unit.
Research in pedagogy / Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Engage in educational research and publish your results in peer-reviewed and other publications to inform teaching practices and contribute to the University’s teaching scholarship.
A great way to publish, aside from scholarly journals, is by writing for more informal media outlets (such as blogs and websites) and/or mass media.
Policy development
Participate in committees that develop and implement teaching-related policies and practices, ensuring they align with the TeachWell principles and related strategic initiatives such as Signature Pedagogical Practices, Curriculum Transformation Framework, Taumata Teitei, and Graduate Profile.
Community engagement
Represent the University in external teaching forums, sharing insights and learning from the broader educational community, and/or provide teaching-related media commentary.
Stay informed about deadlines for upcoming teaching- and SoTL-related conferences and symposia on the TeachWell Digital calendar.
Offer guidance to faculty members or those new to teaching, sharing best practices and experiences.
Teaching awards
Apply for teaching awards that recognise excellence and innovation in teaching, both within the University and externally.
Community of Interest / Practice sessions
Present at sessions organised by one of the many UoA Communities of Interest (CoI) or Practice (CoP) to share knowledge and learn from others’ experiences.
A great start is the Learning Futures Community of Interest, which meets monthly to showcase learning and teaching practice in an informal and supportive online environment.
Teaching and learning showcases
Exhibit your teaching innovations and success, inspiring others and gaining recognition for your work.
Online engagement
Participate in Communities of Interest/Practice channels, contributing to discussions and resource sharing. Find the details of those on our list of Special Interest Groups.
TeachWell Digital contributions
Share your teaching stories or case studies on the TeachWell website, providing real-world examples of effective teaching. That includes sharing stories of your failed initiatives.
Interdisciplinary collaboration
Work with colleagues from different disciplines to create cross-curricular initiatives that enrich student learning.
Student feedback initiatives
Develop systems for gathering and responding to student feedback, demonstrating a commitment to student-centred learning.
Educational technology (EdTech) integration
Advocate for and assist in the adoption of new technologies that enhance learning experiences within your course, discipline, school, faculty, or even beyond. If you want to find out more about learning technologies used at UoA or require help, make sure to reach out and book a TeachWell consultation with Ranga Auaha Ako, Learning and Teaching Design Team.
By engaging in these activities, teachers can significantly contribute to the learning environment at the University of Auckland, benefiting your individual career progression while fostering a culture of excellence and continuous improvement in teaching.
Stay up-to-date with TeachWell Digital
Subscribe to the TeachWell Digital newsletter and Learning Futures newsletter for the latest announcements, and engage with our community. Finally, don’t forget to check TeachWell Digital as we frequently share new ideas and resources for developing and sharing one’s teaching practice.
Page updated 30/05/2024 (page added)