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Top picks for June 2024: Growing in knowledge of te ao Māori

10 June 2024
Photo by Duskfall Crew on Unsplash

Whāngaihia te ara whakapakari a ngā uri whakatupu | Nourish the pathway of growth for future generations.

As Matariki stars ascend into the winter sky, they signal a time for reflection and a renewed sense of hope. Our June top picks are carefully chosen to reflect this period, offering resources that can help us deepen our understanding of te ao Māori. Let’s take this opportunity to learn and grow.

Grown locally at Waipapa Taumata Rau

He Aratohu Haumaru: For Learner Success

Join the latest session in the TeachWell Professional Learning Series, a collection of eight interactive online ‘books’ designed as practical guides for teaching staff. These strategies, responsive to Māori and Pacific learners, benefit all students. Experiment with simple, in-class approaches across different teaching environments to enhance achievement and well-being.

Pūtoi Ako

Explore these resources on our website for introduction to mātauranga and kaupapa Māori pedagogies. Discover practical applications of te Tiriti (the Treaty of Waitangi) to teaching and curriculum development. Engage with the introductory video on integrating Māori knowledge into the curriculum and tackle ‘sticky questions’ about te Tiriti and education with Te Kawehau Hoskins and Alison Jones.

Te Kūaha – The Doorway

Adopt the UoA learning app into your daily routine to enhance your te reo Māori pronunciation. The app’s interactive features allow you to record and playback your voice, facilitating consistent practice.

Te Taumata Ngaio: Te Reo Māori Courses

Enrol in the University’s te reo Māori capability development programme, suitable for all permanent staff and those on fixed-term contracts for 12 months+. Options range from a self-directed online course focusing on pronunciation (Te Reo Māori Pronunciation Online) to a hybrid model of online lectures and face-to-face wānanga for a more immersive learning experience (MĀORI 131: Introduction to Spoken Māori).


Keep an eye out for the July opening of ReoSpace, located on Level 1 of the General Library. This new space is dedicated to the celebration and practice of te reo Māori. Whether you’re just starting or are fluent, ReoSpace welcomes all to enhance their pronunciation and conversational skills. It promises a safe, inclusive environment for kaimahi (staff), tauira (students), and manuhiri (guests from outside Waipapa Taumata Rau), with te reo at the heart of communication.

Tuākana Programme

Learn about the Tuākana programme, which offers mentorship and guidance to Māori and Pacific students from their senior peers. It’s an invaluable resource for fostering a supportive learning community.

Indigenous Inclusion and Indigenising the University

Delve into this insightful peer-reviewed publication in the New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies by Te Kawehau Hoskins and Alison Jones. The article discusses approaches to Māori engagement in university education, distinguishing between ‘indigenous inclusion’ and ‘indigenisation’, and providing a thought-provoking read.

Ngā Hau e Whā o Tāwhirimātea | Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning for the Tertiary Sector

Explore over three decades of research through a te ao Māori lens with this edited collection, published in 2022 by Canterbury University Press. The Open Access ebook is a must-have resource for educators, offering practical advice, strategies, and examples of good practice, including contributions from Waipapa Taumata Rau teachers. Listen to one of the editors, Dr Matiu Ratima, talk about the book on Radio NZ.

Ngā Hau e Whā o Tāwhirimātea book cover

Other rauemi for te reo and tikanga

Taringa podcast

Want to deepen your knowledge of te ao Māori? Tune in to this podcast, presented by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. The bilingual podcast offers a relaxed yet enriching way to learn te reo and tikanga Māori, making it an excellent resource for tertiary educators and students alike.

Māori Made Easy Video Lessons

Enhance your journey in te reo Māori with these video lessons, which accompany Scotty Morrison’s book series, providing a flexible approach to learning. Use them in conjunction with the books, available for borrowing from the university library.

Ako Aotearoa’s Te Pātaka Mātauranga Māori

Step into Ako Aotearoa’s Te Pātaka Mātauranga Māori, a storehouse plentiful with resources to support your Māori tauira. Begin with Te Kete Rauemi Mātauranga, a kete filled with teacher-support resources, comprehensive research projects, and tools designed to foster Māori learner success.

Mānawatia a Matariki

Prepare for the celebration of Matariki with dedicated resources from Te Mangai Paho. From downloadable booklets with Matariki karakia to video instructions on locating the Matariki cluster in the sky, these resources offer meaningful ways to learn about and recognize the significance of the event, and to grow your knowledge of te ao Māori.

Te Reo Māori Courses (Te Wānanga o Aotearoa)

Take advantage of the free Māori language courses offered by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. Open to NZ citizens and permanent residents, these courses cater to all levels, from beginners to advanced, and include home-based courses in tikanga Māori.

Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori

If you’re unsure about capitalisation, compound words, and prefixes in te reo Māori, these guidelines are essential for you. Download the orthography guide for a straightforward and authoritative approach to spelling and writing Māori words. Store the .pdf file for quick reference, ensuring your te reo Māori writing is always consistent and precise.

Research, statistics, kōrero, and more

Insights into Kaupapa Māori

Engage with this video series, hosted on the NCEA – Ministry of Education website. These brief yet astute videos are based on kōrero among three experts, ‘designed to encourage and support initial conversations around kaupapa Māori’ and introduce to concepts important to Māori. The resource would be especially suitable for tertiary educators beginning to explore these concepts. Take your time to watch them all.

Ngā Ara o te Mātauranga

For a concise overview of education pathways, the eight-page infographic provides a visual summary of the accompanying education system report. It’s a starting point for those interested in the narratives behind education statistics related to kaupapa Māori and te reo education. Visit Education Counts website for a deeper dive.

Māori Learner Success in Tertiary Education

Gain awareness from the 2017 report, which highlights findings from Ako Aotearoa-supported research projects. This report offers recommendations and insights beneficial for educators seeking to enhance the success of Māori learners.

Kete AI

Discover Kete AI, a new, free and growing AI resource on Notion, curated by Dr Karaitiana Taiuru and Lee Timutimu, experts in digital indigenous fields. Designed for Māori with minimal AI knowledge, it’s also accessible to all beginners seeking to expand their understanding. Recommend Kete AI to your Māori tauira – it’s a unique tool created by Māori to clarify Artificial Intelligence concepts and provide essential resources, including on indigenous data governance.

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