Curriculum Framework Transformation Progress
Timely updates looking at Curriculum Framework Transformation progress through the stories and experiences of our community members who are making it all happen.
Kia ora koutou,
Recently faculties presented their plans for Postgraduate Programmes to the Curriculum Design Advisory Group as part of the Waypoint 2 process. This is another important achievement in the review and redesign process, with only Waypoint 3 remaining in early August, before faculty implementation planning begins.
As part of the waypoint process, the advisory group and selected subject matter experts have provided feedback, which was sent back to faculties. This feedback alongside the undergraduate feedback received in late May are useful inputs to guide faculty thinking as they progress with final programme designs, due late July.
Jamie Hosking started in July as the Academic Lead for the Sustainability Hallmark, and Sisikula Sisifa who has been supporting the Waypoint processes, came into the Pacific Curriculum Lead Role from July 2023.
A workshop was held to establish the CFT Brand Narrative where the group explored how the CFT changes can contribute to “How can students belong, thrive and succeed”. Students participated in the workshop alongside Central and Faculty Marketing reps, International Office and external creative agencies.
Work is continuing on the hallmark elements, including the development of Waipapa Taumata Rau courses and transdisciplinarity grand challenges. A definition for Mātauranga Māori Pathways has also been agreed.

Waypoint 3 process infographic. A timeline shows waypoint 3, 21 July and 28 July (whole curriculum), curriculum design and approval 4 August, Final approval 18 August, and approval processes ongoing. Deliverables are 1: Faculty suite decisions: rationalisation pointing to 2: Programme design spreadsheet pointing to 21 July. And 3: Faculty design summary pointing to 28 July. Faculty implementation planning starts from 4 August.

Signature pedagogical shift infographic. Three rows: Scope, upcoming milestones, and Benefits. In scope we have faculty design and delivery of pedagogical practice shifts, Canvas baseline practices, student cohort delivery capability, and assessment futures system capability. In upcoming milestones we have: June to December: Identify opportunities and challenges, prioritise key projects, professional learning, and workplan. Followed by CourseBuilder into Canvas, faculty engagement, quality digital artefacts, build cycle. Finally, timetabling and space requirements, and early indication of Feedback Fruits pilot. In Benefits we have: Strategically aligned programmes, learner success, student experience, graduate outcomes, teaching excellence.
Latest updates
Regulations and Admissions workstream: The draft framework and associated policy/procedures are in development. Read more about this work.
Democracy Grand Challenge
A set of new courses on Democracy in the 21st Century are being piloted next year in preparation for the new 15-point transdisciplinarity requirement. The design and delivery of the courses within this Grand Challenge will be collaborative and requires a cross-faculty approach with input from a variety of different disciplines.
If you are interested in taking part in teaching a course, or developing the content for this challenge, or you simply want to learn more about the Grand Challenge offering and transdisciplinarity in general, join Matheson Russell for a special open discussion to learn more. If you cannot make the session, but would like to learn more or join this CoI, please contact Matheson directly.
Where: 207-314 (Google Maps)
What will be covered: Where are things up to with the implementation of the Transdisciplinary program? What is currently in the pipeline for the pilot courses on Democracy in the 21st Century? A chance to share about your interest in the Democracy Grand Challenge and to discuss how you or your discipline might contribute.
CFT workstreams
Check in on the CFT’s seven workstreams and see how each project is progressing in the milestone slides below.
Canvas Baseline Practices (CBP)
The Canvas baseline practices project team is now working on Stage 1 courses for Semester One 2024, ensuring they meet the agreed baseline standards. Ten new Learning Technologists are working alongside faculty members to prioritise and work on the necessary courses.
There are already some great examples of courses which meet or exceed most of the Canvas baseline standards. Work has been done in the Law faculty, in the Communications degree offered in the Arts Faculty, and the FMHS paper ‘Queering Healthcare’.

CBP: A student view
AUSA President Alan Shaker talks about the drivers behind the CBP project and what changes will mean for students.
See also
Curriculum Framework Transformation Hub
Everything CFT on the SharePoint Hub.
CFT Programme overview
Curriculum Framework Transformation project overview on the Staff Intranet.