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4. Assessment

Creating well-designed assignments, quizzes, and rubrics enhances student understanding and transparency in grading.

Use this guide to ensure you have covered principles, strategies, and tools for creating aligned assessment tasks, this includes clear instructions, rubrics, and insights into student progress.


Assessment within the Canvas environment refers to ways that measure student learning, such as assignments, projects, quizzes, exams, and associated rubrics.


Effective assessments:

  • Align to course learning objectives
  • Provide insight into student progress
  • Can be scored consistently with rubrics
  • Allow flexibility in how students demonstrate learning
  • Encourage desired student behaviours and study habits

Implementation checklist

Use the checklist below to track your progress

Key resources

Exploring the components

Below is a further breakdown of the different parts of this Canvas Baseline Practice. Included are interactive annotated examples.


Use the navigation to work through sections 4.1 – 4.4


Page updated 08/07/2024 (minor edit)

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